And here's a graph to prove it.
Agree with what? Who cares; I made you look.
Graphs, photos, videos, maps, interactive games, satellite photos; use them all to grab browsing readers and pull them in.
Writing for new media is different than writing for print. Social media, blogs, and web writing demand crisp sentences and tight structure. Copy must grab readers and draw them to the next data chunk or click. Is this so different from good print copy, with powerful headings and subheads and lean, engaging style? Well, the same rules apply but are more important because click-through attention span is short.
Your right, this was the first place I stopped. Of course, I was disappointed when I realized I stopped and received nothing, but you made your point and I will remember it. One thing to consider as a tip for others: make sure once you hook the reader that they will receive substance. There is nothing more frustrating than to search a topic, think you found something, only to find you were mislead.
If you remember my point, Marvin, how can you say you received nothing? It was simply a short lesson.
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